Enhanced penalties on Carjacking - ACT 18 

Enhanced Penalties on Multiple Car Break-ins - ACT 417

Enhanced penalties on Carjacking committed by Juveniles - ACT 420

Clarified the law on charging Juveniles who commit violent crimes as adults - ACT 418

Prohibits Smoking Marijuana in a Car - ACT 478

Creates and Increases Penalties for Porch Piracy & Assault on Retail Workers - ACT 267

Creates the Crime of Nonconsensual Disclosure of a Private Image - ACT 65

Increase penalties for distribution of Fentanyl Designed to look like Prescription Pills - ACT 85

Placed More Guardrails on the Commutation Process - ACT 660

Lower Taxes

Increase tax deduction on educational tuition and expenses - ACT 423


Homeowner’s Insurance Consumer Protection Provision Around Evacuations - ACT 434


READ Act to Improve Literacy - ACT 395

Protecting Women and Children

Fairness in Women’s Sports Act - ACT 283

Protecting Kids Online - ACT 440, ACT 216 & ACT 440

Creates New Penalties for Sellers of “Rainbow Fentanyl” Designed to Appeal to Minors - ACT 19

Parental Consent Required for Minors to Contract Online - ACT 16

Requires that Commercial Driver's Curriculum include Human Trafficking Training - ACT 132

Mental Health

SAVE Students Act-Training on Suicide Prevention and School Violence - ACT 643

Created Task Force to Study the State for Mental Health in Louisiana - HR71

Election Integrity

Clean-up Voter Registration Rolls - HR1